A poem dedicated to the memory of the lost souls on D-Day June the 6th 1943

A poem dedicated to the memory of the lost souls on D-Day June the 6th 1943

A poem dedicated to the memory of the lost souls on D-Day June the 6th 1943 and what they may have written to their loved one's.

My dearest love, if you read these lines, Know my heart beats with yours, though far we stand. As dawn breaks o’er Normandy’s shore, I pen my thoughts with trembling hand.

The roar of waves, the cry of men, A symphony of war’s cruel embrace. Yet in this chaos, I see your face, A beacon of peace, a saving grace.

Remember our nights beneath the stars, The laughter, the dreams we wove with care. Hold those memories close, my dear, For they are the armor I choose to wear.

If fate should claim me on this day, Know I fought with courage, unyielding, true. For freedom’s light, for a world renewed, For a future bright and dreams pursued.

In every blast, in every sigh, I whisper your name, my guiding light. Your love, my shield, my strength, my fight, Through darkest storm, through endless night.

Kiss our children for me, hold them tight, Tell them their father’s love will never fade. In fields of green, where poppies sway, My spirit rests, my debt is paid.

Though this may be my last goodbye, Know my soul is bound with yours, my sweet. In life, in death, in dreams we meet, Where love transcends, where hearts still beat.

With all my love, until we reunite, Your soldier, your husband, your eternal knight.

Campbell - 06/06/2024

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